Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The A says...

I love teaching Julianna new things & she loves learning new things! We have been working on letter sounds and she has been doing a great job! This video was taken last week when she knew letters A-H since then Jules has learned 4 more! She has a little bit of trouble with the I & L. When I ask her what the I says she points to her eye! haha! And when I ask her what the L says she does this thing with her tongue trying to mimic the sound I make, it's pretty cute!  I'm a proud mommy! :)

Julianna says her sounds:A-H

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A first:Vlog

After almost 2 years of blogging I finally decided to do my very first vlog! It took me a few tries and this was the best of them...a little distracted by Jules towards middle, oops!  Nothing too exciting, just an update! :)