Last Thursday we began transitioning Julianna to her crib for bedtime. She has been taking her naps in her crib for a few months now, but still slept in the bassinet, in our room at night. I had always planned on moving her from the bassinet to the crib when she was about 3 or 4 months but when the 4 month mark rolled around, I had no desire to move her. Julianna seemed comfortable where she was sleeping , I was comfortable where she was sleeping and we were all sleeping peacefully through the night. I really liked having her close enough to hear every breath and any little move she made.
(is that weird?) I knew she wouldn't be sleeping in the bassinet forever so I wasn't too worried about when we would make the switch. People would ask me "Have you moved Julianna to her crib yet?" I would answer "No, not yet" and of course the next question was "When are you going to move her?!?!" My answer- "Soon!" Even though I wasn't sure exactly how "soon" it would be. I figured she would let us know when she was ready.
A few days before she started getting up on her knees in the crib, she had started poking her little head up and peeking over the bassinet and that is when I knew it was time make the big switch-a-roo! It was weird the first night laying in bed and not having her right beside me. I must admit, I was a little sad and teary.
For the most part Jules has been doing pretty well with the move. Some nights she will wake up more than others. I'm not sure if she is waking up just because she is in her crib now or if it is because she is teething. Maybe a combination of both? I am also getting use to her half-waking up at 6am. When that happens, I will change her, we go back to my bed and snooze an extra hour or two and then we are ready to start our day!
The transition from the bassinet to the crib hasn't been perfect but it hasn't been as horrible as I thought it would be, which is always a good thing, now I just have to get around to actually packing the bassinet away. :(