Friday, June 11, 2010

Someone has a new BFF

Jules LOVES her Sophie! In my opinion Sophie is definitely worth the $money$. Especially when you have a teething baby who wants to shove everything and anything they touch into their drooly little mouth!

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  1. We love Sophie too!! It is my sons fave teething toy! I didn't buy any others after we bought Sophie!!

  2. These pictures are so cute! Have a great weekend!

    Mama Hen

  3. Shame on you! This is absolutely too much gorgeousness on one page for the average reader!! What a beautiful baby!

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  4. Really? Hmm, you're the second mama I've read that from today, I've looked at them for my little O but didn't buy because of the price, maybe I'll have to reconsider

  5. Hey Ashley! Stopped by to say hello. I have an award for you that I will post in a day or so. I have my first giveaway right now. I am excited about it! Hope you enter! Have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  6. My 14 month old still loves Sophie!!! Best teether ever!
